Mattmiller,I standby that the cartridge arm combo is not a
good combination,and will wreak havoc. The sound is good
because the problem is in the subsonic region that you will
not hear. If you don't address this you will have the problem till
the cows come home. You should get the filter if you think
that will work and return it if it does not fix the problem. BTW,if
the NeedleDoctor tells you there is not a problem then he
should go back to med school ! You should get a test record
with the resonant frequency test. I use the Shure TTR 115
ERA lV,you can find them on Ebay for about $20 bucks. The
other fix is to get a higher compliance cartridge or an arm with
more mass.
good combination,and will wreak havoc. The sound is good
because the problem is in the subsonic region that you will
not hear. If you don't address this you will have the problem till
the cows come home. You should get the filter if you think
that will work and return it if it does not fix the problem. BTW,if
the NeedleDoctor tells you there is not a problem then he
should go back to med school ! You should get a test record
with the resonant frequency test. I use the Shure TTR 115
ERA lV,you can find them on Ebay for about $20 bucks. The
other fix is to get a higher compliance cartridge or an arm with
more mass.