Consonance Cyber 800/845 Valve amps; how good?

In my quest for a new valve power amp l came accross these;

Not much info around on these but their cheaper models are well respected. Look like amazing value for money, wonder if they have the sound to match?

Any owners or listeners on the Gon?

Cheers Mondie
Could be, I certainly do not have the competencies to say yes or no, but this stuff is from a country with little respect for intellectual property including of it own internal products. Even if they are fakes, they may be good fakes. Perhaps Rubycon were they to have no record of sales to this company would know. I am kind of sorry that I brought this up as it cannot be resolved.

I am still quite happy with the 211 version of these amps with NOS tubes and improved wiring.
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I recently returned from a few weeks in China. Interestingly enough, a week of which was spent in Beijing with Consonance. The trip turned so many of my feelings regarding what China is and is not upside down and inside out.

I must say that during my time there, we had a lot of vigorous discussion, and disagreed on many, many points. In all honesty, this was a great thing, as we got to see that both sides were incredibly passionate, honest, plain speaking people, who like to have fun, and take music/audio quite seriously.

As a good friend of mine likes to say, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." In staying at one of the gentleman's homes, his own bone stock Consonance 12 wpc push-pull 2A3 integrated, coupled with a pair of Audio Physic Tempo II speakers (we connected right then and there, as it was only the second time I encountered them - a really close friend of mine and I found them after a long search for his next pair of speakers a few years ago), made music that completely took me aback. And, yes, things were able to play quite nicely at my normal 95+ dB volumes, even the lows for the most part.

No matter what I can say about them, I know in my heart that everything they are using is on the up and up. In fact, they couldn't have it any other way. The three people running the show are deadly serious about getting the best sound they can, and the parts quality they are using flat out surprised me. Frankly, it's far, far better than a lot of more highly regarded companies. These are folks who buy from wherever they feel like - for example, for cars they drive two Buicks and a Jeep.
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Thanks for that post, Trelja. Echos what I've heard from many insiders about the audiophiles running these Chinese companies - they're serious and they know their shit.

And what's wrong with 95db? I tend to listen just a bit below that, with peaks at the listening seat hitting 92-93.