NAD C320BEE vs NAD C350

Hi audiogon guys

idlike to know which is the real difference between those 2 amps.

i know and i ve heard that 320 bee is very musical and extremely well designed and high aclaimed by experts and 350 is a bit (10w) more powerful than 320 bee but not as good in sound due to (isc) tecnology.

Also c350 is discontinnued by the way and c320 is not(why 350 is older??)

Pleas experts or owners or former ones give me an explanation and your comments


I agree that for $350 I would not be interested, but for $100 it's tempting. I'm not ready for the big jump yet!
I think the C320 would fetch closer to $300 and I would go used on the C352 for $400. Just wondering if there's any real advantage aside from the extra pre-out and the detachable power cord.
If power is important ... the C352 has some more power (80wpc) when compared to the C320BEE (50 wpc). I have been so satisfied with the NAD C320BEE (and granted it is used in a second system), that I would only change it, if I were to ready to seriously upgrade to the next level amp (over $1000 new) and the C352 is not at that level. I have the same model speakers (AR 302) in both my main and secondary systems, so it is easy to judge the effects of equipment changing. The sound improves very noticeably with the next level(s) amplifier. So, even for a $100 I would not go for the C352.

Regards, Rich
Thank you gentlemen for your input. It is greatly appreciated. You are probably correct, Rich, that it's a rather unnecessary 'upgrade', not to say I might not be foolish enough to do so anyway :)
Nice summation there pete! Interesting read!