Help Need tone ctrl on a reference integrated

I may be asking the impossible - Does anyone have a recomendation on how to get tone control for my speakers while using an Albarry PP-1 Reference integrated? It doesn't have main-ins or pre-ins. I live in a condo and, for my next door neighbor's sake, I must turn the bass down @ night. Can I buy an external crossover and bi-pass the internal in my thiel CS 2's? This Albarry sounds soooo cool that I hate to sell it...I need to control bass though and i've already spent a fortune adding drywall to my walls to deaden the transfer between units. I've also bought 2 other good integrateds since buying this Albarry and I hate them all! any pointers would be appreciated greatly
You need a high pass filter somewhere in the chain. You could:

A. modify the existing crossovers and use switches to put them back to stock for full range

B. get an equalizer and run your source through it before it goes into the integrated

C. put a high pass filter at the input to the integrated. Same idea as the equalizer but simpler. It is something you could make with a few dollars worth of parts from Radio Shack, and if it did what you wanted you could upgrade to better parts. You could either use a switch to bypass it or remove it when you want to run full range.

I'm sure these would compromise the sound in more ways than just lowering the bass level, but it would work.
I think you can run tone controls through you tape montior. The lin level outs are hooked to an externa tone control which is then hooked into you tape in. I think musical fidelity has X series extenal tone controls. An equalizer coul be hooked up the same way. Then you can turn the tone controls on and off by flipping the tape monitor switch
Thanks to both Herman and Rgcards! I'll definitely look into all your suggestions...I really like the idea of plugging a tone control into the tape monitor, and i'll definitely run to Radio Shack and look into getting a high pass filter of some sort. With the tape monitor set-up...would I keep my source inputs the same or would I plug the source into the tape monitor input as well? ie, would I have to plug my source into the same input as the external tone control??