SS Amp for Triangle Speakers

Can anybody recommend a good SS Amp(preferrably integrated) that is a good match with the new Triangle Esprit floorstanders in terms of them not being overly bright? I am looking for a warm or even tube sounding amp that is SS to match them with these speakers, I listen to mainly rock music.
Try contacting Sam Tellig over at the Asylum. He's probably the foremost expert on Triangle speakers in the world ( outside of the manufacturer and distributor ). His recent column covers several different Triangle's and he'll be talking about them again in the March issue.

Although they aren't "integrated", you might want to look into some of the smaller ( in size ) Monarchy separates. Very warm and smooth sounding and can be had for a very fair price. Sean
Agreed with Sean. I previously owned the Triangel Titus and thought the Monarchy Audio SM-70 ( or a pair of SM-70s bridged) made for a great combination. You could start with one SM-70 for about $350 used and add another one later (verify that the cosmetics are the same first, if that is important to you)if you require more power in your listening room. The SM-70 Pro is supposed to be somewhat better and adds about $50 or so to the used price.

For a really nice system, get the Monarchy Model 33 DAC/pre-amp and use a decent CD player or DVD player for the transport. If you use this combo you can run it in Balanced mode (with a pair of amps) and it sounds even better.

Another great smooth sounding amp is the Channel Islands Audio VMB-1. I'm using a pair in my system now and they are really fantastic.


Reuben: While i've never heard the Triangle / Monarchy combo, i thought it would work quite well together based on past observations i've had with each individual brand. I'm glad to see my "guesstimate" was pretty much on the money.

While there was no mention of money here, i was thinking along the lines of ( at the least ) a set of SM-70 Pro's or the SM-100 Deluxe's. Given the relatively high bias of the SM-100's with the increased headroom, i'd rather see him go that way. Especially listening to rock music : ) Sean
Thanks for the advice. However I live in the Philippines and my choices are limited compared to yours, I was wondering if NAD and/or Roksan are a good fit.
Wow. I must have been psychic on this thread. I was initially going to recommend NAD, but i thought you might be offended by such. After all, many people that were buying Triangle wouldn't really think about pairing it with NAD. Not knowing your budget and then thinking about the Monarchy gear gave me an easy out. I was pretty sure that it would be both a good combo and economically reasonable.

If you listen to rock, which Triangle's aren't exactly best suited for, i see nothing wrong with NAD. If you can find an older 2600 series amp, that would give you everything that you need. Since it has built in input attenuators ( volume controls ), you wouldn't even need a preamp ( so long as you you only use one line level source ). At 150 wpc, it should drive the speakers and provide plenty of headroom to avoid clipping during normal listening.

I don't know what these run down in the Philippines, but here in the USA, they can typically be found for appr $300 - $375 or so. As a point of reference, i used one of these amps many years ago to drive Klipsch Heresy's ( which are kinda bright ) with great success. Even as efficient as the Klipsch were, i could still drive the amp into clipping. Then again, i like to "rock" just a bit more than most folks do : ) Sean