Sonic Frontiers Power 2 SE opinions please.

l was hoping for some advice from current/past owners of the SF Power 2. l live in Australia and have found a Power 2SE with KT88's for sale for US$2700 that is really tempting.

My speakers are efficent (96db) but dip to 2 ohms and have a nominal impedance of 3 ohms. Fortunatley the Power 2 has a 2ohm tap.

How good is the amp,and what would you compare it to value wise? Am l correct that SF gone out of business? Could l do better for the same money?

Cheers Mondie
One of the best amp in the world.
Its'n a question,solid state or tubes,is the result.
Dinamic,detailed,big bass,lovely mid and high,great sounstage,but above all musical and pleasant.
Never pimp like same triode tube amp that now are fashionable.
Piero Italy
I found that the 6550 tube types provided more dynamic and neutrality and the KT88 types gave sweet tube sound in my Power 2 amp.