better ears than budget, so i would like to think

I am saving for a better audio system having recently been exposed to a very good system, I can hear how much mine is lacking. Here's what I'm working with:

Technics "el crapo" SA-AX540
Sony "el crapo maximo" CDP-CX53
Some sort of monster cable

What amp/ preamp / integrated would be a good mid-fi starter under $1000?

Word "digital" was so abused in the past that no one paid attention when true digital amps based on TI chips have arrived.

I believe Panasonic digital receivers, namely SA-XR45 (discontinued) or SA-XR70 are hard to beat in sub $1K category. They cost under $300 and you get powered DAC, listenable tuner and 6 channel capability that can be used for stereo biamping. Or watching movies.

Search the Audiocircle and Audi Asylum threads to see what is it all about. Or better find store with excellent return policy and see for yourself. Sound harsh out of the box, need around 100 hours to break in.

The only problem? It is like pouring the best VSOP cognac out of cheap brandy bottle. The stuff is there, but no pride of ownership and no allure of splurged money.
I think you'd be happy with a Linn Majik. Available on this site for around $500 and very nice.
I would look for a YBA Integré DT, a Creek 5350, a SimAudio I-5 or perhaps a Bryston BP-60. There is also a chance you would be seduced by a tube integrated in that range, if you got the chance to hear one with your speakers. The Cayin/HIT Audio push-pull EL34 model is very nice indeed.

Once you get one of these in your system, you will be in a great big hurry to change your CD player.

Best of luck!
If you can stretch that budget just a bit, consider a Naim Nait integrated, if you have a chance to audition one. For my own selection process, it proved itself a giant killer.
A used Naim Nait is within his budget. Naim Nait or Creek 5350SE.

That would be my short-list.