Good match with Sonus Faber Grand Pianos

Here is my current set-up:

Sonus Faber Grand Pianos (original version)
Linn Lk-140 amp
Linn K-400 bi-wire speaker cable
Linn Cinema Classik Source
Not set on ICs yet – think of Blue Haven or Red Dawn, but open to suggestions

I’m not sure if I need more power for these speakers. I plan to eventually sell the Cinema Classik although it is doing good double duty as a CD and DVD source. I’ve considered going tubes but my understanding is that I would have to get a pretty high powered tube amp so I might just go tube pre and keep with a SS amp. I eventually want to go to a Supratek Chennin but am holding off until I work up a good turntable project.

I need advice on the amp side or integrated amp side. Would I be better off adding an addition Lk-140 and biamping and then purchasing the pre-amp later along with a turntable? My other option would be to pick up a Simaudio I5 and a new digital source. This would require some more work on the phono side as the I5 doesn’t have a phono pre – also not sure if the total cost would be worth it. I would also have to change my speaker cables around but this wouldn’t be too tough.

I listen to jazz, reggae, rock, funk, blue grass, etc.

Your suggestions are appreciated.

Kindest regards,
I have a rather naive question. The GPs recommend 50-250 watts power in the owners manual. Do you worry (does anybody worry?) about going at twice the recommended power? Just curious.
I have never run into a problem by providing too much power, I can't think of a time where I could stand to listen to it long enough to warrant all the power, but I have noticed that the extra oomph has helped add to detail, and fullness in the music.

One think that amazed me was a MCIntosh demonstration that i went to.....they demoed an amp for us, and asked the audience what we thougth the "wattage" was to reach the volumes we watt was loud!
Power requirements are dictated by the listener not the speaker. Some are happy with wattage in single digits and some can never feel they are getting enough even if they have few hundreds of watts. If the manufacturer says 50-250 they are not wrong, this is the range they specify for the speaker for differnt listeners. It also depends on the demands the room puts on the power requirements, large rooms and longer distance from speakers will require you to have a little more power compared to small room where you are up close to the speakers.

A friend of mine uses Unision Research Integrated amp and is very happy with it.
Just as a follow-up... I switched from a 55wpc amp to an 110wpc amp with the Sonus Fabers. BIG difference for the better. Much better control over the speakers.
I just came across this thread and am a little late to the party but very interesting. I use a Cary SLI-80 Integrated and run it in the 40Wx2 mode in my listening room. Maybe my room is not large enough but the Cary powers them effortlessly with nice dynamics, soundstaging, etc.

The Grand Piano Homes are 90dB 1w1m @ 6ohms if my memory serves me correct. I was never concerned about putting a larger amp with them. Smaller amps sound better in way IMO.
