Good match with Sonus Faber Grand Pianos

Here is my current set-up:

Sonus Faber Grand Pianos (original version)
Linn Lk-140 amp
Linn K-400 bi-wire speaker cable
Linn Cinema Classik Source
Not set on ICs yet – think of Blue Haven or Red Dawn, but open to suggestions

I’m not sure if I need more power for these speakers. I plan to eventually sell the Cinema Classik although it is doing good double duty as a CD and DVD source. I’ve considered going tubes but my understanding is that I would have to get a pretty high powered tube amp so I might just go tube pre and keep with a SS amp. I eventually want to go to a Supratek Chennin but am holding off until I work up a good turntable project.

I need advice on the amp side or integrated amp side. Would I be better off adding an addition Lk-140 and biamping and then purchasing the pre-amp later along with a turntable? My other option would be to pick up a Simaudio I5 and a new digital source. This would require some more work on the phono side as the I5 doesn’t have a phono pre – also not sure if the total cost would be worth it. I would also have to change my speaker cables around but this wouldn’t be too tough.

I listen to jazz, reggae, rock, funk, blue grass, etc.

Your suggestions are appreciated.

Kindest regards,
A friend of mine drives his Alon Adriana with a Cary 5 watt 2A3 amp in his 30 by 18 room and is not even bothered about going for a higher power amp. His speakers are 87dB stand mounters. Talk about power!
The_kid is right. 90db @ 6ohms. And my 55wpc amp did sound very good. I've learned, however, that input sensitivity ratings are not necessarily a good indicator that the speakers will be well-served by lower-power amps. Consider this... I have 5wpc S.E.T. amp. I can't even move the drivers on the GPs, but I can play my Paradigm Studio Reference 60's magnificently with it. Both are 90db.

The SF Concerto Grand Piano at 87dB are more difficult to drive than the GP HOMES. Bearing in mind the poster of this thread owns the original version of the GP's, a healthy dose of quality power is needed to drive those speakers. They sounded lame with and lifeless with the 100W Classe CAP-100 and even the ARC D130 which I've owned. Have not tried SET amps on the GP's though. Bottomline power does matter
With the SF GPs I found the "more power" solution to change the character of the speakers and my involvement in music to such a significant degree that I have to fall in line with the other "more power" recommendations. I bridge a Bel Canto Evo4, and with the Bel Canto preamp the sound locks me into my chair and pauses time. Happy listening.