What preamp should I buy ?

I am looking under $1000 used.
My gear is
Rogue Magnum M120's
VPI hw19 jr TT w/ grado sonata
Graham Slee era gold phono stage
Vandersteen 2c's
Listen to 60's and 70's rock.
I have been using tubes in a pre for a while. I am considering SS.
Need help. Thanks, Scott

I know that I already responded to you but, look seriously at the Tube Audio Design 150. I listen to 70-04 rock on my Adcom 600 and good recordings like Eagles, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac and others sound really good through Vandersteen's. I also have the 2Cesignatures. I also suggest the power cord that Paul gryzbeck sells with the TAD-150. I have compared fie other preamps including the ARC SP 9 MK 2 with Amperex tubes and the TAD 150 beats them all. I have not heard the Sonic Frontiers or the Audible illusions but, you can pick up a brand new TAD-150 with warranty for $700. My setup is so transparent on some recordings its scary....

Hi Eagleman, yes we have discussed this pre before. I am reluctant if you know what I mean. I know you mean well and I believe you love this preamp. I am just having a hard time thinking this could be for me. Does he offer home trials ?
Why should I believe that this preamp assembled in China for $700 can be better than a ARC LS3 or a SP8 or even a Sonic Frontier SFL2. I can't imagine that being possible without A-B comparison. I don't know about this one.
Thanks, Scott
There is a Wright Sound Lab WPL20 available on AudioGon for ~$850 (not mine!). This is a hand-built, full-function, two-chassis tube unit that is something very special. I liked it more than some very expensive preamps that I had compared it with. I've also had several very good conversations with its designer, and I feel he stands behind his stuff to a much greater exent than most that I've encountered.
I narrowed it down to 2 choices. The ARC LS3 and a SP8.
I believe I might have just made a deal on a SP8.