DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound

There has been a lot of discussion about the merits of the DK Design VS-1 MKII. I am curious about how lovers of the seductive sound of 300b tubes have felt when listening to this amplifier and whether this amp truly can bring together the bass slam of solid state with the warmth and musicality of the 300b.
what makes me go hmmmmm is how come other high end manufacturers have not come forward & let some of the membership here test their products,you know they cruise this site & AA to see what people are sayin about their gear & at the very least to check resale values on their gear.

i'd like to see people like krell,levinson,mcintosh,cary & others submit some of their gear for an unbiased & unpaid demo instead of makin us read all about it stereophile.

i think were gonna get the best & most UNBIASED review that has ever been done on a peice of equipment.

i personally think this is a pretty balsy move on dk's part but im quite sure some of the complainers will find fault in it in some way.
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I think the established manufacturers are just trying to please the original owners. AudiogoN caters to second hand owners and demo gear. Established manufacturers don't need to cater to this group. For new manufacturers looking to climb into the market, this is a good move. It's similar to advertising, generating underground (AudiogoN, AA) support.

I'd also like to know who on AudiogoN is testing the units.
" I'd also like to know who on AudiogoN is testing the units"

Me to, was it posted somewere?
