DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound

There has been a lot of discussion about the merits of the DK Design VS-1 MKII. I am curious about how lovers of the seductive sound of 300b tubes have felt when listening to this amplifier and whether this amp truly can bring together the bass slam of solid state with the warmth and musicality of the 300b.

Dear friends,

We purchased the most expensive spot on Audiogon to anounce the 3 reviewers - the bottom of the Audiogon homepage. I am surprised many people are not seeing this. We will try to anounce this in other sections of Audiogon as well. Thanks.

Daniel Khesin
Tel 646-485-0754
Fax 646-219-2572
Art A. - I like you idea of extended listening in various environments, with plenty of contenders on hand. I won the First Sound Presence Deluxe MK II you mentioned - and a Berning ZH270, connected to Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's via Stereovox IC/speaker cables.

I would LOVE to hear that thing in my system. Anyway, make the rounds....

We're countin on you for integrity and brutal honesty! Art G.

Funny you said that. A guy e-mailed me the other day asking my opinion on a VGC pair of Duetta Sig's he had found.

Anyway, I find this morning in my e-mail a thank you for the help...he bought them and has them setup and playing beautiful music! You'll never guess what he is driving them with...Yep!

He says their a little harder to drive than his Maggies but the amp has no problem and sounds wonderful.

These DK Design guys are serious! They are obviously very confident. I enjoyed reading about the three reviewers and their histories in audio (and otherwise). I'm sure there are many people here with interesting audio stories to tell. Each system page should have a bio section. Could this be a new way of marketing; the Audiogoner Review?
I will be interested in reading the reviews from 3 senior Audigon members who have much more audio experience than I ever will. I have never seen so many people enthusiastically doubt anything. I have had it in my system for about 2 months now and already know how I feel about it. I do understand the doubt as nearly every review I read in TAS and Stereophile would have the reader believe they need to upgrade with each review. The reviews here will be without any paid advertisements at stake which should shed some light on things.