DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound

There has been a lot of discussion about the merits of the DK Design VS-1 MKII. I am curious about how lovers of the seductive sound of 300b tubes have felt when listening to this amplifier and whether this amp truly can bring together the bass slam of solid state with the warmth and musicality of the 300b.
If the topic weren't so comical, you may get more serious responses.

C'mon, seriously, a hybrid integrated sounding like a 300B tube amp? If that happens, one of the two units is broken.

For your next thread how about:

Paradigm Studio 100 v3 versus Magnepan MG-20.1 sound.

No knock on Paradigm, good speaker, nice value in it's price range, but you can't compare the sound of dynamic drivers with planars.

A more obvious comparison you could have used would be comparing a D&K with a Counterpoint amp, as both are hybrid designs.

It's uneducated threads like your's that make medications necessary.
Jmcgrogan2,first you call Hchilcoat a shill,now that it is clear he is not one you attack his thread.If the thread is beneath you do not post,after all you and the rest of the shill police are the ones the keep the DK threads current
I'm sorry some of us mortals are uneducated Jmcgrogan2.If you read the thread hchilcoat posted he's just looking for info on the DK.If you think the thread is so beneath you why not go on to something that's not.I personally don't own a DK or know Hchilcoat but have been interested in the DK in case there is a chance it might be a great product.I thought that maybe some of the educated could help ME!Can't we stay positive. Kevin

Dear Hchilcoat,

Actually, you forgot to mention that if you invert the polarity by rewiring the unit inside and then rub the glass while keeping your finger firmly planted in the tube socket and say “Abracadabra”, a secret compartment will open up on the rear of the unit and contain the keys to great treasure left over by the Duke of Norfolk and then passed on to the King of England. The Portland Vase can then be used to damp all unwanted vibrations inside the listening room. Don’t forget to pass this on. Thanks.

Daniel Khesin
Jmcgrogan, I never posted anything about the Paradigm or Magnepan speakers. So I just have one stupid naive post.