McCormack pres/amps and Steve's mods

I have a DNA .5 Rev A and absolutely love it. I may never part with it. Right now, 100wx2 should be plenty for the nOrh mini 9.0's I have coming. But what happens when I want or need more power? Do I go with a matched pair of DNA .5 monoblocks, or a DNA-1 Rev. A?

On that note, does a DNA.5 Rev A sound the same as the DNA-1 Rev A or DNA-2 Rev A?

And what should be the next upgrade based on the nOrh speakers - having Steve upgrade my stock RLD-1, or adding/upgrading the amp?

It's nice to get an idea of where my upgrading will go so I can set appropriate savings goals. :)
The DNA-2 Revision A amp is a beautiful sounding amp and I too intend to keep it for quite some time.

The previous owner of the DNA-2 Rev A replaced it with a DNA 0.5 Rev A Gold because his Vandersteen Model 5s have active woofers and he didn't need the added poundage nor powerage of the DNA-2 Rev A.

As I recall, he stated that sonics of the 0.5 Rev Gold and the DNA-2 Rev. A were near identical, except that there was a bit more weighted presentation with the DNA-2 Rev A because of the power differences.

Hi there 'Goners -

I figure I might as well throw in my `5 cents worth, and that would be to simply state my fondness for dual mono amps. I particularly like the true monoblock configuration (which also provides the highest power), but I also like using a pair of matched stereo amps in the "passive vertical bi-amp" configuration (this depends on having bi-wireable speakers). Single stereo amps are certainly convenient, but mono pairs offer higher performance. They also allow you to place each amp alongside its speaker, thus keeping the speaker wires as short as possible.

Best regards,
Steve McCormack
Given the extra dough, I'd love to have a clone to my DNA-225 to do just that.
Ditto 4yanx comments about Steve Ms customer service and good advice. I've moved into a much more estoric beast (tube otls), but my 0.5 Rev A+ was a pretty damn impressive amp.
Swampwlker - we have some things in common. Dont you have a Berning?

I went from A DNA-1 Rev B (and a short period with an Ayre V-5x before settling on the Berning.