Tenor Audio

Does anybody have any working contact information for Tenor? Their phones are disconnected it seems. Thanks.

I spoke to the gentlemen at Tenor some years back at CES. Very nice people and very respectful. The designer knew who I was and told me precisely what was in the amp.

Its no secret that the amplifier uses a Circlotron in the same manner that we pioneered. There's only so many ways you can do that. We explored them all years ago. We even published the circuit topology in Positive Feedback magazine about 1992, complete with 6C33s (FWIW we were the first manufacturer in the US to use the tube). It is very definately a circuit that we used.
Jonathan, I sense I've touched a nerve, and for that I'm sorry. Ralph's comments speak to the issue I believe. The only point in mentioning this originally had been to give Tenor owners some confidence that Atma-Sphere truly was competent to provide service support on Tenor OTLs should that be needed. Audiogoner Bluedevil had posted about a current need for some help; Ralph extended a helping hand; I offered what I hoped would be some added confidence for Bluedevil or others to follow-up on that offer because Atma-Sphere is clearly, and I think unquestionably, competent to deliver that assistance if needed. I'm delighted to see that Tenor may be coming back with some facility to support owners of their gear; that's marvelous.

It may be apropos to point out that execution of a circuit design (layout, component and materials selection, construction quality, supporting elements such as power supplies) can have more impact on the sonics than often realized. That certainly can be a meaningful differentiator. For example, I own some of Jim White's gear and he's not shy about saying his basic circuit is pretty classic: it's his implementation and execution that make the difference.
The end of "next week" has come and gone since the message was posted on Tenor's web site about being ready to service products (11 days and counting). Does anybody have any updated information? Thanks. Lou
A lot of people have been trying to contact me in the past few weeks and getting more and more frustrated in the process. I apologize if I have been so scarce.

I am available to help all Tenor owners with technical information and support until a further annoucement is made concerning the actual servicing of units.

Once again I apologize for leaving a number of you out in the cold. I've always been very close to the Tenor owners, in particular to the otl owners, and hope we can re-establish lines of communication.

Best regards, Stephane
Stephane, Good 2 hear from you! As an industry peer, & large supporter of Tenor otl products, its great 2 hear that stead-fast & true Tenor owners, now have the ability 2 get valuable real technical information! Those that jumped off the product (many begrudgingly I may add) may now be reading this thread with a tear in their eye! I must say, the many posts I’ve read laying claim that the “come-back” of Tenor was upon us, and than that now famous “we’re back” post on the Tenor website added nothing but further doubt. This is refreshing news! Thanks for the post!

Kevin Tellekamp – Silent Running Audio Inc.

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