Audio Research Reference tube phono preamp

I finally bit the bullet and purchased the ARC Reference tube phono preamp and it has made a tremendous difference in my system. I am running a Rega P25 with a Micro Benz Ace cartridge moving coil and it now sounds like a million dollars. The ARC is super quite, dynamic, smooth, detailed etc.... no faults to be found. I heartily suggest that instead of buying a more expensive turntable/ cartridge right away, buy a great phono preamp first and you'll be amazed. I cannot imagine what this ARC Reference will be capable of with a higher end table etc... I will probably go with the Rega P9 and better cartridge when I recover from this purchase!! I am in vinyl heaven now!!

Do you need a line stage with the ARC ref or the phono
pre drives directly the power amp ?
Yes I have it hooked up to the line stage on my McIntosh C2200. The C2200 has a provision to change the built in phono stage to an aux input. I simply turned off the built in phono and then plugged the phono to the line/aux stage. The combination is breathtaking.

Hi Again
Also, I can now confirm that I am using the ARC Ref Phono with a Rega P9 and a Micro Benz LP cartridge. The combination is proving to be outstanding. Very dynanic and super quite, but also extremely musical. I have arrived!! Yes one can spend more on an analog front end but I feel that from this point on it would be more a preference issue rather than a clear cut objective one. Happy listening.
