Berning ZH270 - Wiring Upgrade

I've owned my Berning ZH270 about 6 weeks now, and have made some other notable changes to my system as well - adding new power cables (Electraglide), a new First Sound Presence Deluxe MK II and new Stereovox IC's and biwired spkr cables. These are still breaking in and are already sounding marvellous - silky smooth, highly resolving with very nice, believable imaging and soundstage (though I expect some further improvement in sounstage as thngs break in).

Anyway, I am going to do the "no-brainer" wiring upgrade through Allan Bhagan (quite a useful and friendly "purveyor" of audio knowledge and goods, btw), and I would like to hear from other Berning owners who have done it - what specific improvements they noted. Thanks - Art
Hi Steve. I can't honestly say, because I did the wiring upgrade and changed sources and the wiring upgrade - all at the same time.

However, I can say from my prior efforts (before all this chnge) that the "5-star GE" 12AV7 is very good. it made a HUGE difference over the stock tubes, much quieter and much better bass. I would also say the much vunted telefunken 12AT7's were not as good a fit to my ears - a bit too aggressive. I bought the Mullards based on Allan B's recommendation, and they hit the amp with all the other changes, so i wouldn't be able to say what they specifically added to the equation. I guess could roll the stock back in, but dont plan on it, given all the other changes and the need for the Berning to break in.

here's an older thread on others' experiences.
it's been burning about 3 days now - starting to really open up, though the bass is still not where I expect it to be (I hear that takes 2-3 weeks). Even so, I'm starting to really appreciate it as it breaks in! More detailed info once it's further burned in.
Having packed up the preamp for shipment, I'm now sans preamp, and I'm starting to really like what I hear. Allan B, who sells /upgrades the Berning had told me that with the rest of my system being what it was, that a fully modded (i.e., wiring and cap upgraded) Berning would be "involving and developed" enough to run direct without a preamp. I said, "yeah right" based on every other experience I had running without a preamp (wadia, levinson, eg).

Well, now that's it's got some 80+ hours on it, it is starting to really open up. He and other who have done it say it takes 250-300 hrs to be fully broken in, so i expect it to improve even further. As of right now, maybe a little less sparkle than with the preamp - but you must also consider the deleterious effects of another power cord, another set of IC's,and whatever circuitry is in the preamp - no matter how good a preamp it is - the system is really clean now, yet still obviously posseses that little bit of tube warmth the AA and Berning supply - sort of the best of both worlds (clean and detailed like SS,immense soundstage and timbral accuray of tubes)......

I think part of my being able to run this way was the addition of the very capapble audio aero - which also has a very fleshed out believable and inviting presentation - not dry or sterile at all - so there's less for a preamp to "correct." Again, i have no way of knowing how much of what im hearing is attributable to the berning wire mod, or the AA breaking in - likely both.

I certainly will add a preamp someday, just not rushing into things (for once).
Art your comments are interesting concerning running the Berning direct. I've tried it and although it it is very transparent, it seems to lack much of the involvement and presence than running through a pre. I can't tell you why this should be, maybe cabling, front end speakers. It would take some time and inclination to narrow it down and I haven't had enough of either to give it a go. Please keep us posted on your further impressions. I REALLY like the Aero Audio Capitol, maybe that unit would make a pre-amp moot.
If you go the AA route, you should spendf the extra for the SE version, which adds cryo'd tubes and upgrades the key capacitors. As I said, there is slight drop of in "goose-bump factor", but only slight, and I'm hoping it will continue to narrow the gap as both berning and AA break in.

I guess what im saying is it would have to be one damn good preamp to provide that little tiniest bit of extra magic sauce without robbing clarity and that "nth degree" of openness.