What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?
Dennis_the_menace you may want to try tungsram red dot 12ax7s in the phono stage. I'm using them in the phono stage of my VAC Standard LE. These provide a nice combination of detail and heft. Glad you're enjoying the Ren.
I cannot help what others believe anymore than I induced many who love their H-Cats to believe that you and BWhite have personal investments in your Suprateks. As you well know many have bought H-Cats and I am hardly alone. Also H-Cat received the Absolute Sounds Golden Ear award.

How do you know who is beating a path to whose door?

Remember that I was one of the first to lineup for the Syrah. I loved it until a better mouse tramp came along.

Reconsider your negativity; the world and music have much too offer; and you will live longer.

Again, I did not introduce the H-Cat here. You did. Please forgive my post on your thread.

There is no such word as saleshacking.

There is a such a word as "saleshacking" that is used in the forums at AA and you are fully aware of its meaning. To refresh your memory, here is a post from an AA board member to you, I quote:

"RTF'n rules:

Dealers register : All "members of the trade" (manufacturers, dealers, distributors, manufacturer's reps, importers, magazine and e-zine writers and others) shall identify themselves as such in the login profile that posters can access by the "i" link. That way any reader who wants to know if the poster has any special expertise - or vested interest - in the subject of the post can find that information.

Saleshacking prohibited: A member of the trade may not volunteer any information about a specific product that he is selling or making, in response to a general request for information about a type of product or in any other discussion.

E-O-S "

End quote.

Norm, I understand it is easier to feign naivete than address the issue at hand, but when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, it is hard to explain.

And I notice that you never addressed the issue as to whether you have paid for all of the products you have received from Exemplar and H-Cat. Have you gotten any equipment free or at cost? That's a rhetorical question, as I don't expect you to answer it. (Or at least with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!)

If you aren't getting compensated monetarily for haranguing the rest of us about these two products, you certainly should be. (But I have my suspicions that you have and do receive benefits for your efforts.)

Norm, do the right thing and explain your affiliations and/or benefits. This, "Oh, is only friendship and I am just a satisfied owner", smells really badly.
There still is no such word whether Audiogon uses it or not. I do know of the prohibition, however. I am not in violation.

You are not the one to ask for my explanation, nor do I believe that the moderators would have let me go on had I been guilty as you so suspect.

If anyone is really interested or concerned, other than you, I will respond, but for you I will merely say, "go to hell!" Given your vendetta, I can only imagine what is in your closet. Please do not read any of my further posts, and I will so respect and ignore yours.
Okay you won't respond to Fiddler. So I'll ask you as I have no dog in this fight.
Have you paid for all of the products you've received from Exemplar and/or H-Cat? Have you received any equipment free or at cost?
So long as you continue to duck the issue, all of your posts must be taken with suspicion and the proverbial grain of salt.
Step up.