What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?
Has anyone compared the Supratek preamps with some of the many models created by Emmanuel Go at First Sound?
Your friendly neighbourhood Troll
Guidocorona-I believe there's a fair amount of discussion about comparisons to a number of preamps including the First Sounds in the " deal of the century" thread. It's very long,but sprinkled with info you're looking for throughout. Good reading besides. :^)
Happy Trolling
I second Jond's rec of the Herron. I'd check out Keith's new tubed preamp with remote at www.herron-audio.com - there's a definite house sound - live music. The get yourself a separate phono stage with the money you save.

The Herron is a terrific preamp. Doesn't get a lot of ink, and it doesn't have as many groupies as the Surpateks or H-Cat.

BTW, I didn't compare the First Sound to a Supratek, but I did have a FS Presence Deluxe for over a year. Outstanding dynamics, bass and resolution, but I sold it for the Herron, which also excells in those areas, with greater tonal color and 3D imaging. No regrets.

Check 'em both out. At this level, it becomes a matter of tate and system synergy.
This thread has been interesting and lead to some reflection on my part. We all have our STRONG biases, based on our own personal financial and emotional investements in this hobby - others because they know the designer, sell competitors or whatever. What one guy trades "out of" - another considers a trade "up to."

For example, I have owned excellent preamps from Ayre (K-1x), then moved on to tubes. I only heard maybe three different pres in my system before making a purchase decision (in my case a First Sound Presence Deluxe MK II), which I really love. As others, I used press reviews and traded emails with people WHO OWNED THEM before ordering a brand new one, unheard (maybe a little risky)

It's natural for me to spread the word on this excellent product. I have posted as much on several threads, and then it occurred to me, would someone think I'm a shill? I do try to temper my enthusiasm by constantly adding other well-established preamps to my list of "you should try the..." recommendations: VTL, CAT, Aesthetix, Supratek and so on. Still, we are inherently biased by our expereiecnes, there's no getting around it.

Similarly, Rackon has posted in other places that he preferred his beloved Herron over the FS (granted he admits its was an older version, and does not mention the tube set), and over a Joule Electra LA100. Of course he's biased, and he has a right to be, it's his expereience and opinion. OTOH, if we were to find out that he sells these (or that I sell First Sound), then it throws all this into another, more negative light.....

Here's how I sift through this stuff: get a critical mass of REAL customer testimonials here (i.e., find the "cult" products) and give them a listen. Real buzz, real word of mouth is sustainable and will lead to long lines of people to buy your product (e.g., Berning amps, First Sound and Supratek preamps). Hyped up products which do not really make the grade are thrown on the trash heap in a matter of months, and you will see them sold here in droves. Time and track record do matter.

Ok, done philosophizing here. pardon my soap box display! (Also, Rackon, i didnt mean to single you out, just an illustrative example)
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