power amplifiers with ICEpower module

Hi guys, what do you think of the new breed of "digital" amplifiers with the ICEpower modules, I mean sonically. My initial thoughts are neither positive nor negative. I think ICEpowered amplifiers are very clean sonically (very low distortion and coloration), but at the same time they are also a bit cool and lean sounding to me. My current reference is a rather low powered (50 W) class-A Accuphase amplifier.
Where does JO4 technology (used in highly regarded Goldmund amps) fit into great amp design? Stellavox & Job amps are reasonably priced, using the same JOB4 technology.
I own the Stellavox PW-1 monos. They sound fantastic, weigh little, and are quick! I always wonder why these conversations do not include JOB4 technology?
Dazzdax- You owe it to yourself to check out JOB4 amps (Goldmund, Stellavox or Job amps are all owned & marketed by Goldmund)!
H2o is the real thing guys...I got them in my system for 1.5 month and they are getting better and better everyday....I am an ex pass x250 owner....and I've tried the Jeff Rowland 201 mono blocks......I like the x250 over the 201 but I like the h2o the best....

The H2o made my system sounded so realistic...If I close my eyes, I can hear a guy playing acoustic guitar in from of me...it sounded that real to me!!..
Brian, I am not debating what you heard. You are certainly entitled to your opinion as are the vast number of people who have heard the ICEpower amps and who have a dramatically different opinion than yours.

My point here is the transparent consistency with which you respond about components you don't sell.
Come on Brian, you've read and heard enough from very experienced audiophiles that you know that dog won't hunt.

Amandarae, don't fall for Brian's usual response about components he doesn't sell. He is sooooo predictable.

Many who sell high-end products like Brian are threatened by "digital" amps. They challenge the high-end at reasonable prices (excepting the Rowlands)

ICEpower amps may not be the best amps available at any price, but many, many people who have heard them extoll their virtues as being "full of life, dynamic, with weight and immediacy."

But then again the vast majority of owners and audiophiles who rave about ICEpower amps aren't selling competing products that are getting killed by cheaper and newer technology.

Yep! If you have an ulterior motive, why not protect it! I pity those who made judgement and does not know what they are getting into. Like one man said:" it is like going to church, many attended but few only understand"

At least, now I added one establishment that I will not do business with ever! As well as avoid any further consideration of what meant to be "insigthful words" from this so called phrophet!

Damn, I Hate Dealers Posing As An Enthusiast!

Psssstt! There is no expert, just people with different level of ignorance!!!
I heard the Rowland amps in several rooms at CES / THE. Based on the posts here, I was very much looking forward to them, especially with the Rockport speakers, which I'd never heard before, but which also always receive raves. This room made some of the least musical sound at the show. While all the sounds were there, bass thru his, it was a very unmusical sound. There was another room nearby with the smae amps with some other speakers, I didn't stay long enough to find out the type. On the other hand, they sopunded ok in the Wadia room, with some little Dynaudio speakers. Of course there is more to an amplifier than the ICE module, and I would love to hear the H2Os. I think Muralman used to own Pass Aleph gear, so I think he should know good sound when he hears it.