I have problem with my Tenor150 - advices welcome

i am experiencing a random waving little high frequency noise in the tweeter of one of my JBL K2S9800, that i tend to believe, comes from my Tenor 150.
Intensity is variable and noise is not always present (usually not there at start and tend to be less present after 4/5 hours).
It is not a uhm (wich is also slightly present).
It does disappear when amp is in mute mode but remains kick and fitting when the amp is in stand alone mode (with no connection to the pre-amp).
Noise has increased in the last days.
When i change the plug orientation noise is migrating from one channel to the other.
Voltage is a stable 240v (with no ground due to the age of the electrical installation)

Thks beforehands for your insights.

I did not get answers from Tenor to the mails sent in the last two months and i understand they have other priorities at the moment but i would really like to have this problem fixed.
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There's a reason why every company Viridian mentioned (including the British sport car makers) are out of business. Apparently the vast majority of people want something that works reliably when they pay their hard earned money. Could it be those other dudes own a Lexus and Mark Levinson.
Sorry you have a problem Mqg30, its a real drag when the rig goes down - hope you can figure it out.

BS like this is why I now will only buy from large companies like CJ, MAC, Meridian etc.....no more esoteric startups, latest and greatest, blah blah. It's hard enough getting service from reputable companies much less short timers not even willing to answer mails!
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Obviously Viridian can afford $20K amps that break with no support. Surely it must be nice to live in your world, where $10-$20K audiophile pieces that have no support or service availability are a minor thing.

I must have to work harder for my money, and value to me is an item that has support, and a ready and available service path.

Tish tish, my junky Levinson and Aerial, Classe pieces work every day.


Paul :-)