FPB 300 vs 600 - Incremental or Fundamental?

Hi all,

I'm about to replace my Krell KAV250A, and am considering either the FPB300 or the FPB600. Purchasing the '300 is not too much of a stretch, but the 600 will require much belt -tightening and sacrifice. My question is: are they really that different? Does the 600 give you a bit more detail, depth, slam, air, whatever, than the 300, or is it an entirely different level of performance?

In doing this upgrade, I'm hoping for truth of timbre, more of the 'performers in the room' type of experience. Musicality, of course, is always the top priority.

Any comments, especially from those who have spent time with both amps, wil be greatly appreciated

My system:
Krell 300cd
Krell KRC-HR pre
Krell KAV 250A amp
Aerial Acoustics 10T
Interconnects Audioquest Diamond x3 (XLR)
ESP Essence power cords

Kind regards
I own the FPB 200c, and haven't compared to the other two, but did own the KAV250a just prior. I have to believe that the step from the 250a to the 300 is the huge step, and from the 300 to the 600 minor in comparison. The 10T's like a lot of juice, but the 300 will deliver it, IMO. I'd go for the 300, feel comfortable about the spend, and start buying music again sooner.

Are you considering the 400cx, or at least a 300c? It does seem, given your like of Krell, that an upgrade to CAST connects at some point would be something you'd want to allow for.
I've owned both amps and the 600 stomps the 300 sonically! I am amazed by the other responses that there isn't any Wow factor. My experience was different. The 600 never fatigues and sounds effortless. You can never have too much power and the 600 is fantastic in that regard. Soundstage, control, musicality is all superior in my opinion to the 300. I have owned KSA-250, FPB-300, FPB-600 and now the 750mcx monos.
I bought a 300cx a couple of years ago under the provision that I could trade up to a 400cx for a full credit within a week of purchase. Well I did exercise that option and the results were very apparent; also to my wife (yay!). There was more clarity, extension and a more 3D presentaiton to the music.