Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
64 ft of WE 16 gauge arrived last Wednesday. Love the smell of vintage components!! I made an 8ft bi wire set since my Audio Note AN-Es use bi wire configuration. Bare wire, not terminated per Grannyring's direction. They have been burning in for the last 5 days in my 2nd system in the back room. Will put them in today and see what's up - Jet.
The Beldon interconnects arrived just now. I'll burn them for 24 hours and try them
Jet, hate to say it but two runs per leg sound much better based on my experience. More body, weight and fullness. Need to double up! Sorry.