Newbie needs Help

I have a Pioneer 56 Thxi integrated reciever it will not allow both 7.1 and multi room one or the other.I like my 7.1 so how can I take some other output like cd tape phono etc and feed it into an old Yamaha reciever which can drive my speakers in another room?? I have tried cd out, tape vcr nothing seems to work????

Any Help greatly appreciated
Just a guess but you may have to go into the menu to activate record-out.---I don't own one of these so I'm just guessing. I do know, in an older unit,this feature would be active full time.---Don't 'cha just 'new-tech'?
I'm not familiar with your Pioneer, but most recievers will have a tape out or record. This should give you a fixed output which you can then plug into an input on the Yamaha and control with the Yamaha.

you can use the tape(monitor) selection on your reciever what you want to do is run a pair of RCA's from the output(record)
to the input on the other reciever that you wish to use I hope this helps you on your way and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask Greg