Two Sunfire Signature's wired together?

Has anybody here ever verticaly bi-wired two Sunfire Signature two channel amps. together? If so, what results did you find? Someone posted (not in Audogon) that the results were amazing on the speakers he has.
Are you kidding? How many watts do you need? !! I'm not sure I see how or why two would be advantageous over one. Then again, I might be ignorant of some advantage I don't know. I have one original sunfire amp, and I can't imagine ever even using its full output.
I have found this review which is so very exuberant, that i thought i might find someone here who has done the same thing with these amps. as to see if you had a simular experance or not.
I have owned a single Sunfire stereo signature amp for a few months and had read on the Sunfire website that for a real treat, use TWO of these amps in a BI-WIRE, MONO-BLOCK MODE. Essentially you are using them as mono-blocks, each amp now putting 1200 WATTS INTO 8 OHMS AND 2400 INTO 4 OHMS!!!!!


In this configuration, I used them to drive my B&W 802's using a Sunfire Tube preamp and an ARCAM Alpha 9 CD player with Analysis Plus Silver Oval speaker cable.

The sound is remarkable. The music now fills the room with such presence and dynamics that it is like nothing I have ever experienced. It is as if you went from watching a live program on television to being suddenly put in the show, live. The sound is fast, clean, tight and has amazing imaging with each instrument occupying a solid area in the ENORMOUS soundfield. I'm not saying it's like being at a live performance, it just creates such a dynamic and detailed soundstage that the music comes alive in a way that has to be experienced to be believed!

I was so amazed with their performance in this set-up that I had a friend of mine who is a published musician/composer (RICHARD SOUTHER), come over and listen to some of his CD's. He was even more blown away than I was, due to the fact that he has spent hundreds of hours in recording studios, and had heard his music on high end mastering systems, yet he said he had NEVER heard his music sound as amazing as with this set up.

He had heard the same system with just the one Sunfire Signature in regular stereo mode, and had enjoyed it, but he could not believe the difference it made adding the second. We sat and listened with our mouths agape for almost two hours. Afterwards he said the experience inspired him to go back and make more music just to hear it on my gear!!

When you compare the price of two of these amps to just one Krell or other high end/high wattage can't touch them.

I urge any prospective buyers and all current owners of these amps to try this configuration if you can. YOU WILL BE BLOWN AWAY!!!! I GUARANTEE IT!!!

Just remember to follow the instructions given in the Sunfire manual closely and to keep the volume/gain way down when you start!

I would like more reviews but can't find any, except one other that i posted on the thread titled (Has anybody done this?)