VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1

Im thinking of upgrading to VTL 450s or Parasoung JC-1s. Currently running Wadia 861, Supratek Chennin pre amp, Vandersteen 2CE Sigs, Kimber Bifocal XL spkr cable and Cardas Golden Cross interconect. Room is 15x31 with system on long wall. Is the Parasound in the same league as the VTLs? Ive heard the VTLs and love them but I cant help but wonder with the price being almost half with the JC-1s. Any input will be much appreciated.

I too love the sound of the VTL 450s, but the thing that has always kept me from getting them is a slight lack of bass slam (I said slight, so no flames!), but primarily the amount of heat that they generate. Living in a warm state like California, (or one with high humidity), especially without A/C, can make amplifiers like these (and pure Class A Solid State amplifiers like the Pass Labs Aleph and XA series, the other amplifiers I really desire), problematic.
If you either live in a cooler climate or have A/C, I would not hesitate to get the VTL 450s, as they are sonically a great amp. (My friend uses the 450's with his Eidolons, and they sound great in his system! We sometimes have to cut our listening sessions short though, due to the heat build up in the room. It gets into the low 80's, which is a bit too hot for me anyway.) I just wanted to point out the heat element to these amps in case you did not realize the implications.

I have not heard the Parsounds, so I won't pass along any judgement on them. (But I have not read the same glowing reviews, especially from owners here and on Audio Asylum, regarding them, that I have about the 450s).

Good Luck in your search!
The two amps you are considering are very different beasts, although both are excellent units. Because the two amps will produce quite different results in your system, you really should audition both in your home before making a purchase.

I think the more relevant point, however, is whether to upgrade your current speakers first. As regular readers of this forum know (maybe all too well), I'm a long-time fan of Vandersteen speakers. Hence, it may seem out of character to suggest that you ought to replace your Vandy 2CE's before you buy either of the two power amps. Here's my reasoning:

Both the VTL and Parasound amps are capable of significantly better performance than you will hear through the 2CE's, so I suggest you consider upgrading your speakers first. If you like your Vandies, then move up to the 3A Signatures, which are a much better speaker than the 2CE Sig's (particularly if you add a pair of 2Wq subs), or maybe even look for a used pair of Vandy Model 5's (which would sing with either of the two amps you're thinking about).


You haven't read any glowing reviews on the JC-1's???
Are you living under a rock??? :)

I went from Manley Neo-Classic 250's to JC-1's. While I loved my Manley's dearly, I could never go back.
I know they are not VTL 450's, but sonically, they're probably very similar.

Braro, the first thing to look at is, what kind of music do you listen to? That's what's going to drive which direction you go. I listen mostly to rock, blues and some jazz fusion. But these JC-1's are so sweet and mellow I've even gotten into female vocalist's, thanks to my girlfriend. Even horns, which I often find unlistenable with SS amps, are wonderful. Now the JC-1's still don't do vocals and horns as well as big tube amps, but the dynamics, bass slam and sheer power of these amps are worth the (slight) trade off.
I'm telling you, with the proper gear, these amps are amazing and smooth and sweet.

They DO take a long time to break-in, upwards of 1400 hours, and that is fact, not fiction.
Also, to realize the full potential of these wonderful amps, it is imperative to run them in balanced mode.
Mine have over 1700 hours on them and they continue to open up and get better and better.
And I KNOW I won't be upgrading for a long time, if ever.

Do your homework and spend your money wisely.