Please recommend a good Tube preamp.

Presently have Mark Levinson 383 integrate. Want to try out Tube Preamp. with Kinergetic KBA-280 (140wpc class A). The speakers are Micro Utopia Be. I want to use a sub with these Micros, so also need two pre outs. However a remote is a must. I only listen to CD and FM Tuner (MD-102). Flexible budget; and used is better.

Thank you in advance for all your inputs.
deHavilland UltraVerve. Great sound. Great build quality. Great customer service and support. Except for the 6SN7 tube, which can get a bit expensive for NOS, the tubes are cheap to replace.

I just purchased a SAS Audio Labs 10-A linestage. It is currently running at 1,995. It has receive rave reviews from MGD at Bound for Sound, and at the Audui Circles. I replaced a Bryston BP-20 with it that I liked very much. The strengths of the 10-A are:

1. Transparency
2. Tuneful Bass
3. Rich mids
4. Natural Timbres

If I had to state a weakness I would say that the images are not outlined in a sppoky way like some units do, but it still images very well. You really get a good sence of hall with the unit. I believe Steve Sammet, the owner, still offers a 45 day money back guarantee
Emotive Audio

I've been living with the Poeta for a year and a half, very pleased with it. It would be nice to have a remote control, but that's a tall order for a preamp of this quality/price point.
I agree with Czbbcl, the Conrad Johnson Pre in your price range. Great company, good support, reliable, woderfully musical. All the virtues of a tube pre, great midrange, sounstage etc, but quiet and reliable. I have heard others but use the Premier 17 and do not forsee changing