Presently have Mark Levinson 383 integrate. Want to try out Tube Preamp. with Kinergetic KBA-280 (140wpc class A). The speakers are Micro Utopia Be. I want to use a sub with these Micros, so also need two pre outs. However a remote is a must. I only listen to CD and FM Tuner (MD-102). Flexible budget; and used is better.
deHavilland UltraVerve. Great sound. Great build quality. Great customer service and support. Except for the 6SN7 tube, which can get a bit expensive for NOS, the tubes are cheap to replace.
I just purchased a SAS Audio Labs 10-A linestage. It is currently running at 1,995. It has receive rave reviews from MGD at Bound for Sound, and at the Audui Circles. I replaced a Bryston BP-20 with it that I liked very much. The strengths of the 10-A are:
If I had to state a weakness I would say that the images are not outlined in a sppoky way like some units do, but it still images very well. You really get a good sence of hall with the unit. I believe Steve Sammet, the owner, still offers a 45 day money back guarantee
I've been living with the Poeta for a year and a half, very pleased with it. It would be nice to have a remote control, but that's a tall order for a preamp of this quality/price point.
I agree with Czbbcl, the Conrad Johnson Pre in your price range. Great company, good support, reliable, woderfully musical. All the virtues of a tube pre, great midrange, sounstage etc, but quiet and reliable. I have heard others but use the Premier 17 and do not forsee changing
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