Any fellow VAC Phi 220 owners out there? Thoughts?

I am absolutely thrilled with my VAC Phi 220 monoblocks and was just wondering if any other Phi owners out here share my enthusiasm? These are the best sounding (by far) power amplifiers I have ever heard in my system, and I think one of the best amplifiers I have heard period.

The Phi 220s really do it all with my Vandy 5As, but the midrange and treble reproduction are a cut above any other amplifier I've had in my system. It is the first time I feel like I'm listening to pure music and not an audio system. It's emotional, engaging, and just sounds "right". The 5As simply disappear like never before and are extremely capable of revealing just how good the 220s are.

Sorry if I'm "over the top" with my comments on these, but VAC nailed it with these amps!

Vandertseen Model 5A- Bird's Eye Maple
VAC Phi 220 monoblock amplifiers
EMM Labs DCC2 DAC/preamp
EMM Labs CDSD- SACD/CD transport
Audioquest Sky 72V DBS XLR interconnects
Audioquest Kilimanjaro 72V shotgun biwire speaker cables
Silent Source AC power cords
Custom Power Cord Co. Model 11 Plus for 5A subs
BPT 3.5 Signature Plus balanced line conditioner
Critical Mass Systems platforms for EMM and BPT
Sistrum SP-101 platforms for VAC Phi 220s
I recently purchased the PHI BETA 110 (sold the Phi stand alone 110 (which was fantastic in its own right, and VAC Ren preamp) - The integrated is unbelievable - control of solid state, magic of tubes. Dynamic, transparent, musical, you name it. The PHI line is Kevin's best work yet....and I am stumped as to how he will even better it!

All of VAC's stuff in incredibly musical. By the way, Kevin personally listens to product before it is shipped, WOW. How is that for personal service.

The word needs to get out on this PHI stuff, it's that good.
The Sonoran power cord is an excellent match for the PHI. Very musical with terrific bass extension.
The Revelation Audio Precept power cables are working extremely well with the 220s. Silky smooth, dynamic, and superb imaging/sounstaging.

I know system and speaker interaction will dictate indiviual settings, but my 220s are absolutely kicking ass when using the XLR inputs, set to Ultra Linear, 4-6 ohms impedance, and zero feedback.

VAC rules!
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In my discussions with Kevin he advised me the feedback setting would be highly dependent on the rest of the system and overall sound preference. He also stressed that the amp will sound far better in Ultra Linear mode than Triode mode.

My amps have three selectable feedback settings. Even on the "low" feedback setting the sound starts to become a little veiled, less dynamic and dimensional, and is not as engaging.

I also have the ground lift switch set to "on".

I'll probably give the Revelation ICs a try since they also have a 30 day trial period. The AQ Sky have been a fantastic match (the best I've found) so the Revelation Paradise ICs are going to have to be REALLY good.