Anyone else heard the Quicksilver Triode Amps?

I hate to be the one to spill secrets, but has anyone else heard the Quicksilver Audio Triode monoblocks? My wife bought me a pair for my fast approaching 40th birthday, and we just can't stop laughing at how freaking incredible these things are. I can't tell you how many systems we've listened to, in high-end audio stores and in the homes of many generous and well audio-endowed audiophiles. We've taken quite a few products home for audition as well, and frankly, I'm just blown away. They are not even on the Quicksilver web site!

The Quickie Triodes are a 50W 6C33C powered triode that produce more body and palpability than I have ever heard. They make our CD player sound like we just upgraded it. I've certainly not heard everything on the market, that's for sure. However, I have heard some very pricey offerings from Lamm, Shindo, CJ, Audio Note, and others...and it's not even close. I know that sounds wacky, and maybe it is, but these things make the music sound downright edible. $5800/pr at retail, and they ought to be right there on the Quicksilver home page. Has anyone else heard them? Back to the music. Yikes!
Are all 6c33C's created equal???
Ahhhhhhh I have the aswer to that one toooooooooo
What is the greatest sounding CD player of all D/A....Best IC's to go with different players...Best Digital Cable on the market....
Best digital cable on the market may suprise you totally.
This is a no brainer...and I do have the answer to that one as I have heard zillions of them and spent a great deal of time evaluating the various brands on different D/A's
Did you know that there are specific IC's that work better with certain CD players and D/A's???
yes that is true...and I have the answer???
Do you know that i live about 90 minutes from Manhattan NYC and I have auditioned every audio system that matters???
All over the country i have heard so many many system...and you know who has the best sounding system in the world???
If you are a lover of female vocals or male vocals what should your choice be in amps???
I know