Anyone else heard the Quicksilver Triode Amps?

I hate to be the one to spill secrets, but has anyone else heard the Quicksilver Audio Triode monoblocks? My wife bought me a pair for my fast approaching 40th birthday, and we just can't stop laughing at how freaking incredible these things are. I can't tell you how many systems we've listened to, in high-end audio stores and in the homes of many generous and well audio-endowed audiophiles. We've taken quite a few products home for audition as well, and frankly, I'm just blown away. They are not even on the Quicksilver web site!

The Quickie Triodes are a 50W 6C33C powered triode that produce more body and palpability than I have ever heard. They make our CD player sound like we just upgraded it. I've certainly not heard everything on the market, that's for sure. However, I have heard some very pricey offerings from Lamm, Shindo, CJ, Audio Note, and others...and it's not even close. I know that sounds wacky, and maybe it is, but these things make the music sound downright edible. $5800/pr at retail, and they ought to be right there on the Quicksilver home page. Has anyone else heard them? Back to the music. Yikes!
Do Sowter transformers really matter when used in PP configurations or do off the shelf Magnaquest sound just as good or better????
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I do have the answer to that one for sure
what are the best sound mid drivers in a Klipsch Belle Scala or K-Horn???
How about those tweets??????????
Is their a difference between be the AA AK AK-1 AK-2 AK-3 or AK 4...Which is the best sounding????
I really do have the answer to that one/
Does it make a difference which crossover a person selects
in their Scala Belle or K-Horn when using the TRIODE???
Interesting question????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So what is the best sounding amps preamps and IC's and Speaker cable to use when setting up the system with the greatest speakers in the world????
I have the answer for sure