Krell 400xi ? Arcam FMJ 32? Musical Fidelity A5?

I am trying to decide between these three integrated amps. All are in the same price range ($2,500), the Arcam has less power however. The amp will likely be paired with the Arcam FMJ CD33.

I would very much appreciate feedback on what you would purchase!! Or, if you believe there is an even better alternative for new equipment. Thanks!
I just went through the get a new amp adventure.
Ended up with a Blue Circle NSCS integrated.
I could not be happier.
I too looked at the Krell and Arcam along with a Mac 6500 and Marantz Reference Series, both much more expensive. I bought the Arcam and really enjoy it. I'm driving NHT 2.9s which are pretty power hungry but the Arcam could care less. Sound is alive, tuneful, dynamic and authoritative.
One great alternative, for the price if you can get one used is the Chord 2600. A fantasic integrated amp.
I have the MF A5 paired with the MF A5 cd player with a pair of the Krell Resolution 3 speakers. It's in a spare room and doesn't see much action. If you decide on the Musical Fidelity and you're interested in purchasing a used one, shoot me an email. I purchased them earlier this year and they have seen very little use. David
Hello. I've auditioned the Krell, but not with my speakers, and a friend owns a recent Musical Fidelity integrated - the latter, for mine, is more musical. Having said that, I purchased a Jadis Orchestra Reference, swapping this for some 90's Audio Reseach separates which would have cost close to $8K new in the USA - and the Jadis is a definite improvement. There really is no bad feedback about this amp...and with it new in the house today I can now see why. Rob.