Somebody Help Convert me to tubes

I first want to thank everyone that has been so helpful over the years. This forum and equipment site has been great.

Here is my dilemma. The first bunch years in this hobby my taste (and perhaps ignorance) has led me to pursue every last ounce of detail from a system, but after spending some time with some tube product, I am starting to prefer the more "listenable" type of equipment.

What I am looking for is for someone to help me with a step in this new direction. I am thinking of starting with a new preamp. Please don't recommend dumping everything I have and start over, I can't afford that, and besides I very much enjoy my system and I am looking for small changes at a time and to learn and appreciate the differences. I am also looking for a piece that if over time I like the way my system was, I can easily pass it on to another A'goner. My equipment is as follows:

Thiel 2.4 speakers
ML 27.5 amp
ML 38S Pre
Theta Data Basic II Transport
Kimber Select (1111 and 1120)
Transparent Plus Speaker cables
Synergistic AC Master Coupler on Trans and Amp
Transparent Power cords on DAC and Pre

Thank you for your assistance once again.
Welcome to the world of tubes! Is there a budget?

How about any of the Lamm pre's?

Audio Aero Prima DAC?
A good tube preamp paired with your SS gear should make a big differance. The tubes don't need replacing that often, they are not that expensive to replace or to try different tubes, and you get most of the benefits of tubes without the drawbacks of tube amps vs SS amps.

Try anything from Audible Illusions. The Modulous 3A is spectacular but no remote (I do like that little convenience in life).

Jolida now has preamps as well if you wanted a good platform for modifications.

Good luck.

Why do you need help to convert...just do it !!
Check which tube pre amps are comatible with ML power(imp and voltage outputs and sonically as well.)

Going in the right direction.....

I'd sell the speakers; they are a difficult load and will not mate well with the majority of tube amps mortals might afford.

Second the advice of the folks who said sell the preamp for a quality tubed unit. Vintage Audio Research is an excellent preamp for around 1000; ie, sp6, sp8. VTL 2.5 with remote is an excellent linestage with a tubed phono option available from the factory and is quite reasonably priced compared to its more expensive siblings.

Audible Illusions makes a wonderful preamp; I happen to have posted one for sale last night. Convergent Audio Technology SL1 or one of the variations is a great unit, too. If you do not require a phono stage there are many good tubed linestages available at almost any price point above 1400 new to breaking the bank. Excellent tubed phono stages are few and far between used. A new VTL 2.5 linestage with optional phono board would cost around 2200 is my guess; excellent choice.

For reliability as well as holding its value and MAYBE appreciating over time find a McIntosh C22 in nice condition preferably with original box but that is rare. The C22 benefits from some upgrade work such as bypassing the center channel and the various tone controls and filters. Replacement of passive components (caps, resistors) will be required and make a difference in sound due to the age of the unit. A re-issued C22 can also be found for just a little bit more than the vintage C22 and offers balanced connections, too. And, it is much newer of course.

Galante Rhapsody speakers at about 1200 used are an excellent choice for SET amps of 5 watts or more. An excellent push/pull amplifier to consider is a used Sun Audio SV300B which make 20 very strong watts and will power most medium to high efficiency speakers easily. NOT the Thiels....

For speakers to keep for life that love tubes look no further than the Prestige line of Tannoy. The lower end models are not too expensive; the is beautiful and well over 10k. Corner placement only for that one. Nice vintage Tannoy speakers hit audiogon from time to time. Only 10k plus used ones are for sale right now.
Audible illusions M3a. Very smooth. Tubes will not have the same lowend control your used to but will Blow the sound away in other areas. Ive spent 40,00 over the years. Tubes will not be perfect. There are still going to be recordings that will sound better on solid state. And the possibility or changing tubes to get the desired sound will eventally get you crazy. You might as well by a tube tester right off the bat :))