Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim)

Well, actually not quite that strong!

I'm talking about wood trim on amps or preamps? Some of the wood appears to be quite beautiful, but I think that it looks "wrong" and I dislike wood trim! I'm taking an informal poll:

Hate= Would NEVER own with wood trim
Dislike= Would prefer no wood trim
Neutral= I could care less
Like= Would prefer wood trim
Love= MUST have wood trim

Also, if you live outside of the USA, would you please indicate so and your country, [if you feel comfortable giving this info]?

I'm just curious about preferences, and also to see if they vary in other countries!
Dislike it - I certainly wood prefer no wood trim on an amplifier or CD player. I am very particular about matching wood (kind, color) in our living area. We already use wooden boards to support the amp/CDP: any additional wood trim would probably just clash. Furthermore, just using a wooden logo (as e.g. on the Unison Unico) seems kind of pointless. However, if the sound is good, I guess, I could be convinced.

Very interesting question though: From the above answers it seems that more people dislike wood. This begs for the question where the current trend for wooden amps is coming from?
As I have learned, besides being subjective it is highly dependent on your room decor. Too much wood in your room can look tacky especially when the wood colours don't match well. If your room is light-coloured contemporary look with no wood in your room, sticking a dark coloured wood gear alongside your silver gear might stick out. I like contemporary decor but also like the warmth that wood gives to the room. Only problem I see is if your styles are mixed and matched all over the place.
Dislike it.Actually hate it.I wouldn't buy any equipment with wood on it,except speakers.Live in Canada.
Don't think I like it except on speakers......... Then nicely done it looks fantastic i.e. Sonus Faber. Then agian how about those Teres turn tables??
Viridian, you need a Grado cartridge as it has a wooden body, and will be able to track those wood trimmed LP's :-)