Integrated Tube Around $1000


I'm deciding to dip into the tube world and I'm looking for a few suggestions. I love the warm tube sound but I don't want to break the bank or take up huge amounts of space with mono blocks and a pre-on the floor.

I plan to spend around $1000 US. I currently have a pair of Dynaudio A72 Floor standers and a pair of Totem Model One's. They are both in the 87-88db efficiency ball park. So I think I'll need a little juice to get them going but I suspect that 30-50watts should do the trick. My music room is in the small to medium area. I listen to everything and I do mean everything. From punk to Indian Classical and from lap top music to Jazz. Eventually I will probably go with a more efficient floorstander but I am hoping to use the integrated with the Totems or the Dynaudio's.

I'm thinking about the Jolida 202 with Mods by parts Connexion or maybe the Prima Luna One. I've heard the Jolida and been suitably impressed and I'd love to hear the Prima Luna.

Any suggestions? Should I think about used instead of new?



and all. Glad to hear that the Prima Luna can drive 87-88db speakers. I will get my hands on a 30 watt amp and see what happens with the totems. I'm hoping to also try a Jolida 502.


thanks for the suggestion about the Antique Sound Lab, I hadn't thought of going that route. I'll look into that idea further.

anyone driving Totem Model Ones with only 30 watts?

Jolida 302b.

It sounds great in general and exceptional with Totem speakers (I've heard it with Arro's and Staaf's, not model 1's though). It's also well in your price range new.

Hi Rich. Not knocking your comment but one man's "loud" is another man's soft. There was a thread (I think on AA) about that and some thought 85dB was loud but headbangers were laughing at them. It's another example of how everything's relative.

Matthew - you seem sold on the 30W. Give it a try and let us know how it goes! Arthur
Another vote for the Jolida 302b. I would prefer the EL34 based 302b against
the 502b. For your Totem Monitors the slightly fuller bass won't be a
problem. I am driving some 88dB, 4Ohm Mission monitors, which are fairly
power hungry, without problems. It works great for all kinds of music: Indian
Classical, Jazz, Western Classical, Pop, Electronic. I just love the involving and
lively character of the JD302b.

Verastarr used to offer a 302b/502b converted amp that can use both EL34
and KT88 type tubes. Might be worth checking out to see which tubes you
prefer. Also, I would make sure to budget some better tubes for the 302b or
502b (SED EL34, NOS for the rest). They are so much better than the stock

Sorry, I never heard the Primaluna: based on the reviews and user comments
it should be a great amp as well; probably with better built quality than the

Good luck and enjoy.
I have no experience with the Jolida or the Model One's.
FWIW, I run a Conrad Johnson MV-55 tube amp & a Creek OBH-12 passive preamp (with remote) with Totem Arro's. I normally listen at a measured 70db and I never turn the volume more than a third of the way up. My room size is 12x22x8. With careful shopping you may be able to get an MV-55 for $900 and the Creek for $200. Vince, the owner of Totem, suggested that I stick with my tube amp for the Arro's as it has great synergy. I think that the Conrad Johnson sound adds a nice roundness to the razor sharp sound of the Arro's. My 2 cents!