Colorizing The Sound

For last 7 years I've been using "regular" audio system which consisted of CD player, equalizer, SS integrated amplifier and speakers. Every element in this system was purchased as new for the price ranging from 600 dollars for CD player to 1K for amp. Now I replaced everything by Oracle Turntable, DK Design integrated amp and M.Logans speakers. The turntable connected to amp with 700 dollars cable and speakers use 500 dollars version. Everything is above an average...or at least better than I had before. The soudstage now is wider, deeper... The overall sound is - I would say - more intelligent, sophisticated.. Like a good old wine.....Most likely I didn't yet grow to the level of expertise to start to appreciate the real hi-fi quality...but I really do miss those bass and treble knobs I had on my old amplifier. While (according to what I read here) having them on amplifier would ad some unnecessary electric circuity...I really think they play important role in creating richer and more colorful sound.
On top of bass and treble controls of my old Yamaha amplifier I used equalizer which probably tripled colorization of sound. Many of you could say that those equalizers and bass/treble controls just distort the music throwing it away from real, flat sound a good amplifier delivers...away from the sound of real unamplified instrument.
I wonder what you guys use to substitute missing treble/bass controls? Are there any electronic devices(may be equalizers?) which let control (to add or to subtract) tones of music? Please correct me if I am wrong.
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I can't recall seeing any provisions for adding an equalizer to the DK integrated amp. If I'm correct you would have to insert it between the source and the amp, but you have two sources....

If I'm wrong, get an equalizer and put it an a tape loop where it can be switched in and out as necessary.

However, reading into your post what I detect is that you are unhappy with the overall sound of your speaker/amp combo in general. If this is so it could be due to several reasons. Proper speaker set up is a big one. Neither your speakers nor your amp are particularily euphonic (warm) tonally speaking and could easily sound cold in combination. Proper set up and room treatments are essential.

Tube swapping referred to above might help also. Get some tubes reported to be warm in tone. FWIW the Siemans generally recommended are not, as a brand, known for being warm. Think something like Mullards.

And when all of that fails, think of getting a warmer toned amp. Everything that I have read about the DK so far doesn't suggest to me that it has an overly warm mid range, but then I'm a tube amp enthusiast so maybe my expectations are too different to judge.
Eldartford - you have any opionions on the Behringer T1951 Tube Parametric equalizer? It uses 12AX7's and has a 'warmth' control.
Thanks guys! I just placed an order on Behringer DEQ2496 parametric equalizer. I just have to make sure I will able to use it since the equalizer should be pluged between turntable and intergrated amplifier wich has a built in phone-In (DK Desing). I am leaning to think that DK Design is "cold" sound amp. I am sure with this Behringer I will able to change tonal quality of the sound....if I just would know how to do it properly! =)
I agree the DK is a little cool-sounding. However, I don't think your equalizer will fundamentally change that. I bet you end up with a different amp in the end. Let us know how it goes. Arthur
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