Many questions tube/solid state amps

I have some tubes in my system right now and am considering a tubed amp, such as VTL, Cary or BAT. I play my system a lot 5-6 hrs on weekdays and it's going pretty much all day during the week-ends. My speakers are have an efficiency rating of 92.
What size amp would I need to drive these speakers?
Am I asking for trouble playing the system so much(electric bills, tube wear)?
Would I need dedicated lines for the amp/amps?
Currently I have a combined 2 channel/HT system,would I have to seperate them or downsize to 2 channel only? The more I uprade my 2 channel the more I feel I can suffer with downgrading the HT side of things and get rid of the cables and wire mess.
My current 2 channel system:
Bat VK-30SE
Bat VK-200
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grands
Cary PH-302
VPI Scout
Cary CD-308
HT sytem:
B&K Ref 30
Anthem MCA 3
Rel Storm
Thanks in advance for any input or advice.
First of all, nice system. I have owned the vk60 but replaced it with a vk200 when I became interested in Magnepans. I miss it dearly. I think it would drive the Beethovens with no problem, and they are great buys at the current used price. They do draw quite a bit of power and produce alot of heat, which may be a problem for the amount you run them, a dedicated line would be great. I think a new tube set runs 450 from BAT, when the time comes, but could be found cheaper if you look around. I can't comment on vtl, but have heard the smaller Cary mono's rock with sensitive speakers.
I run my system at least that many hrs,as well.AND, yup, tubes cost money.But hey, my power co. loves me.
I do both 2ch and ht in the same room. Anybody that thinks tubes ain't for HT may not have the right tube amps and speaker combos. While I have a mish-mash of amps and speakers for the rears,sides, and center, my fronts:CJ8xs and SAP Quartets have more bass than I can use.
You are running your system about the same amount of time that I do. I have all tubes from start to finish. Unless you are disabled I assume that much of the time your system is running your listening is on a casual basis, i.e. your not sitting in the sweet spot just listening. In this same situation I added a small tube integrated (35wt) and took a line out from the pre-amp tape loop out. I use seperate speaker cable and banana plugs and interchange the main system and the integrated depending on what I intend to do. Interestingly I find that the main system now only operates about 15 hours a week and I'm not obsessed with the deterioration of the tubes in my main system.

I have in the past used a SS integrated in the same configuration, which makes it even simpler, and cheaper.