Antique Sound Lab 805 DT SETs--WOW

This isn't a review but more an attempt to reduce my initial impressions to writing. I'm anything but a golden-eared audiofile; I'm more a tin-eared audiofool as I've said many times. One reason for that is my aural memory seems to be about 3 seconds long. Others change a component and listen to a system they haven't heard for a day and say 'gee, listen to that', or 'doesn't THAT sound lots better!'. I stand there and think something like 'yea it sounds OK, but how does he REMEMBER how it USED to sound?'. However, I seem to be good at longer-term evaluations done over days, weeks, etc.

Thursday a pair of new ASL Explorer 805 DT poweramps arrived. (They're 50-Watt Single-Ended Triodes that use the big 805 transmitting tube for output, a 12AX7 frontend, and a 6L6/KT66/EL34 driver. [Mine were supplied with EH 12AX7s and Chinese 6L6s. I'm using a pair of National Union/Amperex 805s I bought USED.] The amps retail for $2995/pr. I bought mine from the very helpful Chris Kipp of The Audio Gallery in Sacramento.) I've been using a pair of very-nice-sounding New Generation 100-Watt (in UL) mono amps in triode, producing about 40 Watts each. (See my System for more info.) The 805DTs went in Thursday, I listened for a couple hours, rebalanced* the multichannel system Friday nite and listened a bit that evening too. Today I played a DVD-A, Korngold's music from 'Robin Hood', on Naxos. I love this music and this recording and have heard it many times.

WOW is the best word I can come up with to describe the wonderful sound I hear today. The sound is simply more natural and PLEASANT sounds more like real music sounds to me, and I hear a LOT of it in concert halls all over the West. Euphonic colorations? Maybe; I don't care...the MUSIC sounds GREAT and makes my investment worth every penny. NOTHING else changed in the system; only the poweramps. Just think...they'll get better as everything breaks in--I can hardly wait.

Back later--there's MUSIC to listen to. ........ :-)

* This required only a 1dB increase in the front-L/R channels. NOTHING else was changed.
Changing and moving up for better sound IS what it's all about.--My hearing is not much better--should rephrase and say---maybe not as good.But that doesn't keep my joy-of-the-search muted.--Nor the joy when your system becomes elevated by 'that' new piece. I just received my DeHavilland Aries g;on Fri.---My first ever brand new tube amp. I think my expatiations were to high---or it takes more breakin. My jaw is right where it always has been.
On the rare occasions where I've heard 805-based amps, I've been very impressed. I've often wondered why we don't see more amps based on this tube.
I think one reason the 805 isn't used more is that it's hard to drive, in that it takes lots of voltage. The ASLs use a 6L6/KT66/EL34 driver (in triode, of course) plus an interstage transformer to do that.

The music sure sounds good.

I have NOS RCAs (on loan from Chris, as one of the originals was broken when they arrived at TSG) plus pairs of used Cetron and National Union(Amperex) 805s. The Cetrons won't bias correctly...i.e. they require lots more initial bias voltage to avoid motorboating than ASL wants us to start with, so I'll send those back (to Leeds, BTW). Have ordered a pair of new-production Mullard EL34s for drivers.
Congratulations on the new amps, Jeffreybehr!!!

Enjoy them with the best of health and sound!

I think ASL amplifiers are more than underrated. My friend had a pair of ASL 1009 (double 845 tubes), and although he moved away from them, I found them to be by far the most compelling amplifiers he has ever had in his system. I still regret him selling them...
The 805 tube seems to get less "respect" than other triodes because it was not originally designed for audio amplifier use. SET cicuit simplicity/sound and 50W per channel - what's not to like? I've a pair of Ming Da MC-805A monoblocks that use 6L6s without interstage transformers and love the sound. At $1100 new they were a huge bargain, leaving me the funds to send them to Bill Baker of Response Audio for all out modding with V-caps, all new wiring, Yamamoto teflon tube sockets, yada yada. Versatile enough for added duty as night lights and winter space heaters. Happy you're enjoying the music!