Yes, I know, however, I acquired the FS over two years ago. But it was so heavy and awkward for me to handle, especially with the umbilical to the power supply. (I am an audiogal, BTW), I just didn't like using it. The Herrons were so synergistic with each other and with my speakers, plus so much easier for me to deal with, I didn't pursue other options with FS once I'd settled on the Herron. The dual attenuators didn't really have anything to do with my decision. Plus, I kept the FS for quite awhile - I didn't just keep it in the system for a week or two and then sell it.
I wouldn't let the lack of a remote prevent purchase of anything I liked the sound of. Sound quality comes first, then reliability, then ease of use, then looks, then remote is somewhere near the bottom. I can get up outa my chair. The dual attenuators weren't really a big deal, you get used to them - they're detented. The Herron VTSP-1 I have now doesn't have remote either, although Keith's new model does.
If you ask him, I'm sure Emmanuel Go will tell you that a remote compromises the sound quality in his designs...and Mr. Go is a stickler for sound quality. That's pretty much what Keith Herron used to say til he figured his way around it with the new VTSP-2, which now has remote, and sounds just as good as my VTSP-1 (166) may even be a hair warmer than my preamp.
My system, when I auditioned the FS, was a Cary 303, Alon V Mk IIs, and different amps: Edge, Herron M150s, and Meitner MTR 101 MkIIs, Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects, Coincident speaker cables and TG Audio power cords.
I never considered the Lamm or the lovely Calisto (which I have heard BTW) because both were way out of my price range.
I wouldn't let the lack of a remote prevent purchase of anything I liked the sound of. Sound quality comes first, then reliability, then ease of use, then looks, then remote is somewhere near the bottom. I can get up outa my chair. The dual attenuators weren't really a big deal, you get used to them - they're detented. The Herron VTSP-1 I have now doesn't have remote either, although Keith's new model does.
If you ask him, I'm sure Emmanuel Go will tell you that a remote compromises the sound quality in his designs...and Mr. Go is a stickler for sound quality. That's pretty much what Keith Herron used to say til he figured his way around it with the new VTSP-2, which now has remote, and sounds just as good as my VTSP-1 (166) may even be a hair warmer than my preamp.
My system, when I auditioned the FS, was a Cary 303, Alon V Mk IIs, and different amps: Edge, Herron M150s, and Meitner MTR 101 MkIIs, Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects, Coincident speaker cables and TG Audio power cords.
I never considered the Lamm or the lovely Calisto (which I have heard BTW) because both were way out of my price range.