Jolida 302B with B&W Natalius 804

I am currently having a pair of B&W 602 S2, I am planning to upgrade to the Natalius 804, I never tried tubes before, the only reasonably prices tube integrated with good reviewes is the jolida. I am just worried if this amplifier would be able to drive the B&w N804.... I would really appreciate your comments and suggstions.
I run a Conrad Johnson Premier 11 which is 75 watts or so if memory serves and it is fine with 804's. Conrad Johnson plays VERY nice with B&W and I would recommend you spend a little extra for a premier 11 and a preamp long term you will be very glad you did as I have my current rig for 2 years and cannot find it in myself to change which is almost unheard of
I have a 302B and love it. But my speakers are easy to push,They are home made 1/4 wave single driver. They are 92db sensitivity and have no crossover to slow things down. I've run some freinds store bought speakers and although I got more bass, mids seemed more muted every time.
Nabil98, I note your post doesn't identify your preferred music, or related components, so I can only assume that you have determined that a tube amp would be complimentary. That having been said, the 302b is a great introduction to tubes and ridiculously good for the price. I had one in my system for over a year and loved it. New production tubes for the 302 (EL34, 12aT7 & 12ax7) are very good, so tube rolling is relatively inexpensive. I have only recently upgraded to a Cary SLI-80 and honestly feel the Jolida gives you about 85% of the performance of the Cary for less than 1/3 the price (new). I used the 302 with Soliloquy 5.0 monitors that are 89db efficient and had plenty of volume in an 11 X 20 room. I found that upgrading the power cord (VH Audio Flavor 4) greatly improved the peformance.

Good Luck!