Best spkrs under $700 for a Rotel RA-1070 integrat

I just purchased a Rotel RA-1070 integrated (100 watts x 2 into 4 ohm) for a great price. Now I'm looking to pair a set of speakers for them. I had originally intended on purchasing a pair of Ascend Acoustic CBM-170's, but now I feel as if my amp is way too strong for a simple bookshelf speaker. I've never specifically heard the 1070, but I have heard the 1062, and it was described to me as a bright amp.

Should I consider any of the following speakers in either bookshelf or floorstanding models? I've auditioned B&W's, Paradigms, and I'm also still considering the Ascend's. Any help would be much appreciated. I'm also open to used speakers, but my speaker budget is $700 max, preferrably less.
If you're interested in bookshelf spks. I'd highly recommend you consider Tannoy Fusion 1 or 2. I own the 1 and it is a lovely sounding spk. The 2 has a larger cabinet and larger woofer. Very musical and forgiving. Stands are needed and Plateau is worth considering. If you want floorstanders, there are great deals on Tannoy's on the web. One seller here has the MX-3 for $315! If I needed more spks., I'd get these or the MX-4 w/o hesitation. There are also a couple of R-2 available as well. I also think an older Snell floorstander (J/D/E) would be a fantastic choose as well. If you don't want to buy used, order the Tannoy's.
Take a listen the the Quad 11L ($700 new) or the 12L around $550-$650 used. Both are monitors. Note that if you buy monitors and don't already have stands that will increase the overall price. Good luck.
Vandersteen 2-series speakers are typically a bargain on the used market. They would work well with your Rotel, however you may not appreciate their unconventional appearance. A used pair of Meadowlark Swift or Totem Sttaf loudspeakers could be had within your budget as well. Each of these have individual characteristics which offer different strengths and weaknesses.

Above are just three of the floorstanders that I considered when I was looking for speakers to go with my Rotel integrated. B&Ws have a huge following, although I am not crazy about their lower models.

Take your time and look at/listen to as much stuff as you can!
I really like Vandersteens but, I don't think the Rotel has enough juice for their 86 dB at 7 Ohm rating. Just my opinion.
I have a pr. of Spendor S3/5 SE's that i bought for $750 used on A'gon. They're truly "high end" speakers, IMO, & blow away B&W's in their price range.