Have you tried Tung Sol 5881's as well as the 6f6G's? I spoke with Brendan today and ordered a quad of Tung Sol 5881's.
At this point, I still have the Sovtek's that came with the unit. I have one more position to roll after I figure out the best 5881's or replacements.
Did you find a large difference when you changed out the 5881'S and if so what did you get ?
Have you tried Tung Sol 5881's as well as the 6f6G's? I spoke with Brendan today and ordered a quad of Tung Sol 5881's.
At this point, I still have the Sovtek's that came with the unit. I have one more position to roll after I figure out the best 5881's or replacements.
Did you find a large difference when you changed out the 5881'S and if so what did you get ?