Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody

I will have a Supratek Chenin in my set up in a day or so. Since so many folks are rolling tubes around here I was hoping to garner a comprehensive list of everybodies favorite tube compliments. Be it NOS or NIB or WLATB (Whatever's layin around the basement)
Being that the "Deal of the Century" thread is a little more like a novel I figured this would be a good place to post questions and answers related to one subject of Supratek amps and pres.
On to the subject of me. I don't have immediate plans to swap tubes as I've figured that Mr. Maloney would supply us with something listenable for the break in period. But, since so many have reported such dramatic improvments I want to ask this question:
What is your favorite compliment for quietest gain and dynamics in the phono stage?
I will be using the Chenin exclusively for vinyl ( I don't have a CD player) and listen to loads of early rock and roll and Jazz bands, smaller jazz bands mostly, quartets and quintets. Some classical, the usual Beethoven and Mozart, but usually just a lot of loud garage rock.
Ok, now lets see what happens.
A dissenting opinion on 76. I'm not a big fan. I have many pairs for my personal use and have sold quite a few in the past, but in terms of sonic attributes, I'd much rather use 6SN7 then 76 tubes myself.
>>I'd much rather use 6SN7 then 76 tubes myself<<

Which is not a bad thing. However Mick prefers the 76 or 37 in the Grange at least. Mine sounds much nicer with a pair of NOS VT-37 (RCA) than the factory supplied Italian made 76. "Different strokes", as Sly used to sing.
Any Cabernet owner's have any thoughts? Mine came fitted with mb300 outputs. Would eml 45's be a nice upgrade? Regulator? I would love to hear from experienced tube swappers what they have done with their Cabernet.
Larry unless you can switch the filament voltage from 5v to 2.5v the 45 won't work. However if you have that option, I have a new pair of Sophia 45 Mesh Plates (ceramic base upgrade) that I'd be willing to sell you. Email me outside of the thread if interested.
I have a switch on my Grange only that allows me to go from the PX4's to the 300B's so I guess I would fry a pair of Sophia 45's if I tried dropping them in.
I guess I will wait and see how your new 300B's sound and then chase those down if they greatly surpass your Sophia's.