McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1

Has anyone tried any of the big Mac amps with Magnepan 20.1? I'm in the search for an amp. I'm considering:

Krell 400/450
McIntosh 501/602
Rowland 302
H2O Signature Mono

I'm running an Audio Aero CD player so no preamp is involved. I have heard to bypass the H20 and Rowland since I don't have a preamp but I haven't had a chance to try it in my setup.

I meant Classe Omicron or Omega MK 1--they're available for 5-6,000,
On my 20.1s, I went from Omicron MK to the mono pairs you mention. Yes, the monos are better, but the originals are not that far off.
Another suggestion to try might be Steve McCormack's DNA-500. Lots of current and power(500w/900w) with excellent sonic presentation.
I had the MC602 for about 10 months and I'm turely impressed with the performance of the unit. Based on it's power, sound and yes, those beautiful blue eyes, I purchased the MX135 video control center. I've listened to the 402, 501, 602 and for me the choice was the 602. The next amp for me, MC1201!! Make no mistake, Mac amps are AMPS.
Gladstone: Are you bi-amping your MG20.1s? From my understanding that's one of the first major improvements you can/should do once you have even a half-decent amplifier. (Just consider the fact that Jim Winey is bi-amping his own 20.1s and recommends this wholeheartedly). One of the nice things about bi-amping the 20.1s is that the low and high require about the same power, so using identical amps is not overkill in any way.

AFAIK, getting rid of the "mediocre" passive crossover is a major improvement. I don't want to buy 2nd hand amps, so my only option would be to get 4 brand new Omegas. That's $50,000. Considering that the JC1's are $12,000 that's one heck of a difference. I doubt *I* could justify paying $38k more for the sound of the Omegas...

I rebuilt the crossover and combined the internal and external and eliminated numerous connections. My reservation about active is that the only one that might be good enough is the Pass, costs $6,000, and I still wonder if it isn't as good as my retooled crossover. Though I will try active at some point.