Pls advise on budget integrated or pre/power comb.

Currently using Rotel (RC-1070/RB-1080) set-up with JM Labs 816s towers with audioquest cable. Marantz SA-8260 on the front end. Right now the system is a little "too bright". I listen to Jazz ( Miles, Wes Montgomery to Spyra Gyra) some R&B. Looking at Audio Refinement Complete but worried about the power. My Rotel put 200 wpc I might miss if I go to an integrated.
I think you'll be happy with the audio refinement/ YBA sound. They seem to mate well with JM labs speakers. I don't know how much you want to spend, but the other option would be to look at Parasound Halo amp and pre amp. You should be able to find the pair for 1200 or less (P3 and A23) Really good sound for the money, plus, they look awesome!
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If your system is too bright you may want to work with your room acoustics and speaker/listener position. It's not something that is going to be fixed with wire most likely. This will work two fold in your benefit as your room acoustics have a major affect on the sound. You have a good amp and speakers. Read at or and you'll be glad you did. I suspect alot of people change gear only to end up with another problem when all along it was the acoustics in their room. Cheers