Has anyone heard the new ARC Ref 3 Preamp?

I was just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to audition the new Audio Research Reference 3 Preamplifier

I have heard the new CJ Act 2, and had some reservations about it's sound although quite good; trying to compare with the CJ unit, VTL 7.5, and the Audio Note M6.

All thougts would be appreciated.

Thanks much
I compared it today to a VTL 5.5 and it sounded better but maybe not worth the price difference. It sounded good but I would not pay $10,000 for it.
It recieved a great review in a Norwegian Hi-End magazine this month. Haven't heard it myself.

Musicdesign and all, just yesterday I spent three hours compaing the ARC Ref 3 with the VAC Ren Sig II. Front end was supplied by the new DCS P8I single box player and by the Accuphase DP-77. Ref 3 was stunning. Amazingly DCS P8I was also extremely good when driving the amp directly. You will find my rather detailed findings at:
Please visit. Your opinions welcome!