Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier

Has anyone had an opportunity to listen to this amp yet? It looks very interesting ( but I'd grateful for any first hand impressions. I'm looking to use two of these monoblocks for the front two channels of a multi-channel system, using a Marantz SR9300 receiver as the preamp, to improve two-channel stereo performance.
Great, keep this thread alive.
I think there will be a lot more to say about the D-100's and the upcoming D-200's, so let us know everything !!
Dan Wright of ModWright recently wrote in Audio Asylum about the CI-Audio D200 amps. I've copied the text below:
Comparing them to the Atma-Sphere M60 MKII OTL's is a bit of an unfair comparison, as they are so very different.
From a pure listening standpoint, with my speakers - Greybeard KB2/2's w/2/W bass modules (6ohm nominal - easy load), I prefer the D-200's hands down. The Atma-Sphere's are fantastic in terms of their soundstage, holographic imaging, etc. and are quite exceptional amps. But, I found that they couldn't drive my speakers with the bass extension and detail that I ultimately wanted. I believe that with autoformers or the right speaker, the Atma-Sphere's would fair better in this regard.

Ultimately I do prefer the D-200's and feel that they are a better fit for ANY speaker, including those with difficult low-impedance loads. They DO NOT give up anything in terms of body, warmth, richness, etc., to tube amps, but they also GIVE you the bass depth and detail that you can't always get with even very good tube gear.

For me, the penalty that you NORMALLY pay for Class D or 'Digital' amps (not to mention MANY normal SS amps), is a 'glare', cold, sterile or hard sound. Detail does NOT have to be hard, cold or clinical. Additionally, warmth, musicality and a rich full sound don't have to preclude sparkling highs and fast dynamic sound.

I believe that there is a fine line here, in terms of actual sound, between ultra-detailed and hard, and full and rich that is also syrupy, etc.

It IS possible to provide a sound that is fast, detailed, extended and with good bass control, slam and punch, that is not hard, cold, sterile or overly warm and rolled off. We at ModWright design for the ideal sound that gives you both detail and musicality and Dusty (Channel Islands Audio) does too.

In my opinion, he has hit one WAY out of the park with the D-200's.

Dan Wright