Warm Tubes

I've been reading up on tube pre amps and in particular the ConradJohnsons. In different posts prople have mentioned that the keep their pre on all the time or 1 hour warm-ups, etc. Never have been around tubes audio so evn though it seems obvious it still suprised me. No just flipping on the system. Is a system warm up of an hour or more the rule? Any other nuances with tubed equipment I should be aware of? Thanks, Dave
I just switched from an Audio Research LS-9 pre (solid state) to a Rogue Audio Magnum 66 (tube). Three things dramatically improved: power-I couldn't believe how much more visceral ooomph was allowed to flow through the speakers! Detail- a nice jump in finesse on strings, cymbals, etc. Warmth- the music sounds more live and is completely non-fatiguing to hear.

Some tube preamps suggest you don't leave them on, such as the Rogue. They use outbaord power supply and a '2 stage' startup with a gentle start for the tubes. To me, the pre sounds fabulous from the get go! As good when turned on as an hour later.
Hi Dave,

If you get the 17LS you'll be in for a treat!

When not listening unit is in standby. When you want to listen press mute button on remote wait till mute button clicks off turn on your amps wait 20 min and its good to go.

Good Luck!
Thanks all, learned alot. The more I read about tubes the more interested it's becoming. Was just reading a similar question on SS on leaving power on 24/7 vice shutting down, unlike in this posting, opinions are all over. Take care, Dave