Looking for a 2 channel Integraded Amp with tone controls!I have a nice Integraded,should I add an EQ or would it be better to find an Integraded with tone controls?
Seandtaylor99,I have a Pathos Logo.I want to spend around $3000.00.Alot of my 50s& 60s music needs a little help.They were not recorded very well in those days!
Gellis, why not get a parametric equalizer through the tape loop of your integrated, if there is one and save $$$$? The probability of looking sound quality is higher in your case than improving in the sound quality. Pathos Logos is a very high quality device, in contrast to the vast majority of the integrateds out there.
I'm afraid I don't know of an integrated in that price range with tone controls. Paul's suggestion sounds the best to me as you keep your current integrated amp and the tone controls are completely switched out of the audio path when you don't need them.
It's funny though, since I got new speakers I'm starting to appreciate how well some of my 50s and 60s albums were recorded. The engineers had fewer toys at their disposal and it would appear that this was a good thing.
Good integrateds don't have tone controls as a general rule
...is another audiophile's noncense. If tone controlls could be switched off the integrated is as good or even better than the one without them no matter what price range you're surfing through.
Another vote for the McIntosh MA6900. It has great controls and is extremely flexible (a must for a good preamp IMO). It also has a tone control bypass switch to remove them from the signal path if you so desire. Arthur
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