What's the verdict on the Adcom GFA-5802

I am considering changing(up grading)to Adcom GFA-5802 amp and GFP-750 pre. I currently am using a Parasound HCA-1500a and Parasound P/HP-850 pre, will I be disappointed? Is there a better high power, high quality, budget combo out there? I have Audio Physic Virgo II speakers.
Thanks for your help.
Gandme, There are many expensive CD players that output higher than the 2v standard. I have had several. With a slightly higher voltage, the sounds ramps up in volume a touch quicker and gives a little illusion of being more dynamic sometimes in comparison to others. Anytime components are compared, the louder one will generally come out on top(talking about system volume.) That is why it is always important to match levels and be on an equal playing field when deciding. It is also extremely hard to make comparisons of components unless they are in the same system side by side. The mind can play tricks when you listen to something here and then compare later to something else down the road. This is why I don't put much faith in reviews or comments unless one has used them in his or her own system. I know it's hard to do this sometimes but it is the only way to have an honest comparison.
Daltonlanny & Bigtee
Thanks for your advice. A used Adcom GFP-750 showed up on the GoN like a omen for $525...so I snagged it! I'm going to see how it sounds with my Parasound, then re-think my Amp selection.
My vote would be the Ayre V-3......

with Your speakers, Very musical.