Help choosing tube monobloc's

At present I am running a Sunfire Tube Preamp and Sunfire Signature power amp.
I would like to introduce monobloc tube amps into the system.
The speakers are Kef Model Four~Two so they like to have power (I was thinking 150 wpc min.).
I have been thinking about a used set of Sonic Frontier power three's.
My budget is in the $5000.00 to $7500.00 range.
I mostly listen to classic rock, with a minor amount of easy listening, folk and classical through a Sonic Frontier Phono 1 tube amp (can there be too many tubes in the signal path) and Oracle table
I would appreciate anyones advise on tube monobloc selections.
Consider a pair of conrad-johnson Premier Twelves. 140 Watts per chassis into 4, 8, or 16 Ohms from 2 pairs of 6550s per amp. Two pairs in A-goN now, at $3300 and $4500. These are from the same era as the Premier Eleven, and I sure loved my 2 Elevens (until I turned into a triode freak).
May want to try older VAC amps --monoblocs 90 D. 100+ watts/channel EL 34--great sounding amps with Martin Logan Aerius. See system for rest of my "stuff" Eclectic tastes in music--and Kevin HAayes of VAC is a great guy.

And yet another Rogue Audio M150 fan.I own a pair and confirm the above remarks.My speakers are Aerial 10t.For the ultimate use a Zeus on the bass.I will as soon as I can afford the upgrade.One of my pre-amps is a Rogue Magnum 99.
VTL all the way....get a higher powered VTL that runs high powered in triode mode and you will not regret it
All the above sounds reasonable. One caution, if you want 150 wpc minimum, you'll only get that from the Rogue 150's when they are switched to ultralinear. May not be an issue for you (I have a Zeus and always leave it in u-linear because I prefer the sound), but as noted above, some prefer the triode mode sound which drops max. power output significantly (to maybe 110wpc ??? + -).